Get money back when you shop online

  • Hundreds of brands pay us when you shop online and we pass that back to you as cashback.

Hundreds of brands pay us when you shop online and we pass that back to you as cashback.

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Top-named brands

20M members globally

Cashback is quick, rewarding, and flexible

Payout how you want

Get your cashback directly in to your bank account or via PayPal.

Quick and easy

So you can get on with your shopping.

It all adds up

Enjoy spending your cashback on life's luxuries.

Payout how you want

Get your cashback directly in to your bank account or via PayPal.

Quick and easy

So you can get on with your shopping.

Cashback is quick, rewarding, and flexible

Quick and easy

So you can get on with your shopping.

It all adds up

Enjoy spending your cashback on life's luxuries.

Payout how you want

Get your cashback directly in to your bank account or via PayPal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does TopCashback make money?

We're simply supported by sponsored adverts and promotions dotted around the site and sometimes retailers will also pay us a bonus if we send a lot of shoppers their way.

Will it cost me anything?

TopCashback is completely free to join and completely free to use. There won't be any charges whatsoever.

How does cashback work?

When you make a purchase from a retailer featured on TopCashback after clicking through from our site, the retailer will give us a commission for sending you to their website. We share this commission with you when you earn money, which we call 'cashback' and is actually paid by the retailer. Then, we'll make your cashback 'payable' for you to withdraw and spend.

When will I actually get my cashback?

Cashback should appear on your Earnings page within 7 days of your purchase, but it usually isn't ready to withdraw straight away. We need to wait until the retailer's returns period is over before they confirm your cashback, and then once the retailer has paid us the commission for your purchase, we'll make your cashback 'payable' and ready to withdraw and spend.

What can I get cashback on?

You'll find great cashback rates on a wide range of products and services. Such as takeaway deliveries, mobile phones, flights and hotels, as well as your favourite fashion and homeware brands. Almost all of your online purchases will be eligible; browse over 1000 retailers to start saving money.

What payout methods are available?

Withdrawing your cashback is easy. You can request that we pay it directly in to your bank account, or via PayPal. There are no minimum payout amounts and you can request your cashback is paid at any time.

Turn your shopping into savings by earning cashback on your favourite brands.
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